
UNIT asks you to #BeASuperhero

Once in a while a film comes along which really makes a difference and the latest ‘Save the Children’ campaign is one such film.

The story begins with a documentary crew setting out across the world to investigate multiple sightings of ‘flying superhero figures’.

We are transported across countries and continents encountering many delightful children retelling their stories of the mysterious heroes, who have flown in and helped their families, friends and communities.

At first you could be fooled into thinking that these children have met with extra terrestrial beings. However, as the stories unfold you discover that the children have met or been touched by individuals who have dedicated their time to helping those in need. These heroes have provided them with water, medicine and food. Understandably to the children these are Superheroes.

The film is both touching and thought provoking, whilst remaining positive and enchanting and UNIT Colourist Simon Astbury’s grade perfectly evokes this mood.

It’s always a pleasure to work on such projects, so UNIT’s grading department was delighted to be included on such an important film.


Writers: Richard Beer/ Luke Hyams / Michelle Craig
Creative: Joe Wade
Project Manager: Jules Nelson / Sam Adams
Exec Producer: Michelle Craig/Steph Hamill
Directors: Greg Hardes & Jacob Proud
Production Manager: Henry Johnson
DOP: Greg Hardes & Jacob Proud
Sound Recordist: Matthew Hansell
Editors: Joe Young & Jacob Proud
Post Production: UNIT
Colourist: Simon Astbury
VFX: Elias Freiberger
Sound Design: Mark Adair c/o Massive Music